Chinese Medicine and Nutrition
I’ve loved cooking since I was a teenager and part of the ‘chores’ list in our house was to cook once a week. I can remember cutting fancy tomatos, in true 70’s style with zig zaged tops and being very cross that people actually ate them!
When I was training as an acupuncturist diet and food took on a different meaning for me, it became much more about eating well to maintain overall health and provide your body with all it needs.
That put me on a course of finding delicious vegaterian food that I loved but would nourish and properly support my body. For about 8 years I provided a recipie for the British Acupuncture Council Acu magazine every 4 months, sadly I didn’t keep them all, but I’ve decided that this is a great place to start sharing the ones I’ve got and over time adding new ones.